Patients / Clients should note that healing is in no way a substitute for medical care and supervision. Where there is any cause for concern, we strongly advise clients to seek medical advice have you not already done so.

Healers cannot diagnose medically or give advice or opinions on medical treatment.

Most healers will offer their services without payment. Donations are accepted, with the monies raised used to pay for running expenses.

Due to the new regulations with regard to data protection and mailing lists that become law on May 25th 2018.

To ensure that the Yorkshire Healers Association complies with the new rules. any information we hold about you is stored securely and safely in electronic format on a removable USB pen. The USB pen is pass coded and protected with encryption to safeguard your rights to privacy. Your information will only be distributed as and when the LAW requests it. ( ie Police , Courts , etc )

The Yorkshire Healers Association does not share any information with any 3rd parties.